Baldness by phuket hair clinic
phuket hair clinic
Clinic, Hair treatment, Hair- Clinic
Baldness treatment is a $1 billion per year industry in the United States. Past the early 20s, the incidence of balding or pattern hair loss in males is roughly equivalent to chronological age. Thus, by age 50, roughly half of men experience male pattern baldness Beginning in the 1980s, drug therapy gives a treatment option for baldness in both men and women. For example, increased understanding of the role of dihydrotestosterone in male and female pattern baldness has led to targeted intervention to prevent this hormone from acting on scalp androgen receptors. Like many other medical conditions, baldness can be treated, but not cured. Moreover, experts warn that many treatments marketed as hair loss cures are ineffective aside from the placebo effect.
Clinic, Hair- Clinic, Hair treatment, Scalp -Pigmentation,
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