Buying Property in Thailand by Siam Legal International
Siam Legal International
property investment, Property Lawyers, property lawyer
Thailand has many different types of properties on offer and what ever your dream home is, you can realize it here
if you have all the right paperwork. Prices are a lot cheaper than in Europe or the US but there are a few extra checks you will need to make here as laws and culture to differ to your home country.
The first thing you need to do is obtain the services of a reputable real estate agent or lawyer on your behalf. Check over the title deed and make sure the property is what it says. Some buyers have bought the house only to find the land is on a different title & visa versa. The same goes with the boundaries of the property which need to be the same as the title deed. If buying from a private individual you have to get your lawyers to draw up a reservation or purchase option and lease contract. This contract binds you and the seller to the sale of the house at a specific price in accordance to schedules you have both agreed. Such an agreement will include any penalties
for default of either party.
Now that you have the title all checked out you can go ahead and translate it into English just to make sure. If you are buying a new home from a developer, the developer will almost likely have a standard contract format. The format may vary but always go over the deed and title and anything else in the contract regardless of what the developer shows you.
For assistance on how to buy property in Thailand, please contact us on any of these numbers:
(+66) 2 259-8100 (Thailand)
1-877-252-8831 (US Toll Free)
207-101-9301 (UK)
128-015-5273 (Australia)
Buying Property, International Law Firm, Legal Consultants, Pattaya Lawyers, property investment, property lawyer, Property Lawyers
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